Family and Friends,
A modern miracle was born on October 18th, 2010 at 4:09 PM, PST.
Her name is Claire Aloha Louise Demianeau Wnuk. A long name for a very small baby!
She weighed in at 2 pounds 3 ounces and measured 14 1/2" inches long.
Claire was delivered by cesarean at Sutter Medical Center of Santa Rosa. She was
thirty-two weeks and one day old. Denise had been in the hospital for one week under
bed rest and observation. Our OB, Dr. Pflum, had been monitoring Denise very closely and
felt the time had arrived to deliver Claire.
It turned out to be the correct decision. Claire was very active in the womb and managed
to put two knots in her umbilical cord. Drs. Pflum and Kahl see about one in a hundred
births with a single knot in the umbilical cord but neither had ever seen a double knot!
Claire is determined to stand out from the very beginning.
Although her age is young and her birth weight is small, she is very healthy. Her heart rate,
breathing, and body temperature are all good.
We will keep you up to date on Claire as she continues to grow. Thank you for your
prayers and kind wishes.
Alan and Denise
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