Baby Claire is 10 days old today! She had a rough day yesterday but has stabilized and is doing much better today. As she is a premie, her tummy is still immature and she was unable to tolerate the gavage feedings. Her belly became inflamed and she was started on antibiotics. They also had to place as picc line which will remain in place until she graduates to oral feedings. The medical plan is to allow her tummy to rest and they will resume gavage feedings slowly in about a week. In the meantime, she will continue to receive nutrition thru her IV and x-rays will continue to monitor the inflammation.
The good news is that despite her ordeal, she gained 10 grams yesterday. The NICU RN said that this type of set back is not unexpected for a premie baby but Claire has never really acted like a sick baby. She remains feisty and continues to breathe on her own without assistance. The jaundice has returned due the stress of her belly inflammation and she has resumed treatment under the bili-lights. We spoke with the neonatologist this afternoon and he stated that she has had a good day and remains stable. Alan and I will visit this evening and I will update again after we see her today.
Thank you again for all of your thoughts and prayers. Claire, Alan, and I appreciate your support.
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