Monday, October 25, 2010

Hello -

Alan and I visited Claire today and her nurse was "Rosie" for the day.  We found that Claire no longer needs her umbilical line which was discontinued and she now has a peripheral line in her left wrist.  It is all wrapped up and looks a bit like a boxing glove.  Given that Claire is described as feisty and robust by her neonatologists, the boxing glove suits her just fine.  She may need a central line in the future but for right now, she is doing well with just the peripheral line.

Claire has an indwelling NG cathether that is threaded thru her nose and is placed into her stomach for gavage feedings.  This will remain in place until she successfully tolerates bottle and/or breast feedings.  Of course all of the other monitors remain in place to monitor her breathing, temperature, heart rate, and oxygenation.  Because she is so small, the lines can seem a bit overwhelming but really they are just in place to make sure that she is doing well and if any change does occurs, the RN's will be alerted immediately.

The nurse took Claire out of the isolette and placed her on my chest so I was able to hold her skin to skin which felt oh-so-wonderful.  We aren't able to hold her much yet as she is still so small so the times that we are able to handle her are very special.  Alan was able to place her back into the isolette and he enjoyed holding her as well.  Speaking of the isolette, it allows Claire to maintain her body temperature and is very similar to her own personal spa.  She is quite toasty and enjoys sleeping soundly in comfort.

Claire has gained weight and has returned to her birth weight of 2 pounds, 3 ounces.  Her feeds have been increased to 8cc and today she received my breast milk while I was holding her.  The nursing staff has been great in allowing us to be as involved in Claire's care as possible.  As she grows and adds weight, we will be able to do more for her.  Right now I am happy that I can provide breast milk for Claire and she is able to receive good nutrition and antibodies from me to help her to grow strong.

Today has been another good day for Claire.  She is exactly where she needs to be in order to grow strong and catch up with her early arrival.  We thank you all for your sweet thoughts & prayers and we will continue to provide Claire's progress, one day at a time.

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