It has been some time since I have posted our blog. We are so busy resuming our regular lives, except not the same or regular either! I have returned to work and am adjusting well. We are very fortunate as we are able to keep Baby Claire home which is a great thing for all of us. Alan has a flexible schedule and Cousin Meghan helps out when we need her.
Baby Claire had an exciting weekend - her first coming out party! She got dressed up in a baby dress with ruffles and tights and was the cutest baby ever. We attended my annual work party which involved flying to Orange County, staying the night in a hotel, and returning home the next day. All of the nurses were happy to finally meet Baby Claire. She is a great traveler and we plan to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Las Vegas next month, and Alan's family in Atlanta in May.
Baby Claire is now 4 months old and has grown to 9 pounds 2 ounces! She has nearly doubled her coming home weight of 4 pounds 10 ounces. I remember when we were so excited when she met that milestone. Claire is starting to suck on her fist and may soon find her thumb. She continues to be a happy baby and only cries if there is a reason. She has found her voice and babbles and coos and smiles a lot.:)
Claire is gradually sleeping thru the night - last night down at 11 and up at 6. No complaints here!! Of course that doesn't occur every night but we are happy when we can get more sleep. Unfortunately, if Claire doesn't wake up I find myself checking on her as she is sleeping peacefully. She is learning to hold her head up and doesn't bobble nearly as much as she did even a month ago.
We return to Dr. Frank next week and there may be another shot involved - Claire is always so brave and such a great fighter. I will update again after the next MD visit.
More soon,
Denise & Alan